Portraits (Photography)

569 Items

Portraits (Photography)

569 Items

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Rolling Stones – London 1965


24 x 33 in

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Albert Einstein

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Abraham Lincoln, Head and Shoulders

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Joseph Bonanno Arriving at Federal Court in New York on May 17, 1966


12 x 16 in

other sizes


Marie Curie, 1910

Photographic Print

12 x 24 in

other sizes


Digitally Restored Photo of Lewis Chesty Puller as a Young Captain

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Theater-Martin Luther King


Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Licks Ice Cream Cone While Shopping in Portofino, Italy, Jun 14, 1971


16 x 12 in

other sizes


Leon Trotsky or Lev Davidovich Bronstein Russian Communist Leader in 1920

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Portrait of Frida Kahlo

Art Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Photographic Print

12 x 8 in

other sizes


Artist Pablo Picasso Attempting to Draw a Minotaur Using Light Pen, Vallauris, France, 1949

Gjon Mili

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Amelia Earhart Standing in Front of the Lockheed Electra in Which She Disappeared in July 29, 1937


16 x 12 in

other sizes


Vintage Civil War Photo of Confederate Civil War General Robert E. Lee

Photographic Print

16 x 16 in

other sizes


Georgia O'Keeffe 1920

Alfred Stieglitz

Giclee Print

12 x 18 in

other sizes


Oscar Wilde, 1882

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

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Photographic Print

16 x 16 in

other sizes


Floyd Burroughs, Jr.

Photographic Print

16 x 16 in

other sizes


The Captain of the Ss Titanic, Captain E J Smith

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Pres Kennedy Sits in Rocking Chair in Oval Office of White House on 46th Birthday, May 29, 1963


12 x 16 in

other sizes


Artist Georgia O'Keeffe Against a Wall Amidst the Shadows of a Fence, Abiquiu, New Mexico, 1966

John Loengard

Photographic Print

12 x 8 in

other sizes


Author Vita Sackville-West


12 x 16 in

other sizes


'Machine Gun' Kelly Smiles for Photographers in Memphis Jail Cell, Sept 26, 1933


12 x 16 in

other sizes


Albert Einstein, 1947

Art Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes



Art Print

18 x 12 in

other sizes


Portrait of Mursi Girl, Omo Valley, Ethiopia

Peter Adams

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


The Three Children Jacinta Francisco and Lucia Who Saw the Vision of Fatima in Portugal

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Miss Amy Johnson Overhauling Her Gypsy Moth Aeroplane after Landing in Australia

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Karen Carpenter


20 x 16 in

other sizes


Ken Wahl, Wiseguy


16 x 20 in

other sizes


Haile Selassie Emperor of Ethiopia

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Apollo 15 Astronaut James Irwin Works at the Lunar Roving Vehicle at Hadley-Apennine Landing Site


16 x 16 in

other sizes


Martin Luther King

Associated Press

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Apollo 17 Geologist-Astronaut Harrison H Schmitt at the Taurus-Littrow Landing Site


16 x 16 in

other sizes


President Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson Sitting on a Fence at the LBJ Ranch


12 x 16 in

other sizes


Maurice Ravel, C 1930

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Brian Jones – Ready Steady Go! London 1967


23 x 35 in

other sizes



Nepal Saddhu II

Nina Papiorek

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Digitally Restored English History Photo of Winston Churchill

Photographic Print

12 x 18 in

other sizes


Dr Mae Jemison Was the First African-American Woman in Space


12 x 16 in

other sizes


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Talks to Newsmen

Henry Burroughs

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


John Dillinger, Public Enemy No 1


12 x 16 in

other sizes


Jacqueline Kennedy, Wearing a White Coat Dress with a Short Skirt


12 x 16 in

other sizes


Apollo 17 Astronaut Stands Between US Flag and Lunar Rover, Dec 12, 1971


16 x 16 in

other sizes


Claude Debussy French Composer

Jacques-emile Blanche

Photographic Print

8 x 12 in

other sizes


Chrissie Hynde


16 x 20 in

other sizes


Navajo Silversmith's Daughter

Lantern Press

Art Print

12 x 18 in

other sizes


Photographic Print

12 x 18 in

other sizes




20 x 16 in

other sizes


Portrait of Antonio Gramsci

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Frank Costello, 78, Organized Crime Boss, Leaves the New York County District Attorney's Office


12 x 16 in

other sizes


Anton Chekhov Russian Writer with Leo Tolstoy

Photographic Print

8 x 12 in

other sizes


The Who – Colour Group 1968


35 x 24 in

other sizes



Recording of Indian Voices with a Phonograph

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Gregor Johann Mendel Austrian Botanist

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Kate Winslet


16 x 20 in

other sizes


Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson 1832-1898), Self Portrait, circa 1863

Lewis Carroll

Giclee Print

12 x 18 in

other sizes


Teddy Roosevelt

Art Print

12 x 18 in

other sizes


Osage Indian in Full Dress, Oklahoma

Art Print

12 x 18 in

other sizes


Martin Luther King La Riots

Jim Bourdier

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes
