Medical Occupations

977 Items

Medical Occupations

977 Items

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"Doctor and the Doll", March 9,1929

Norman Rockwell

Giclee Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


The Doctor

Sir Luke Fildes

Giclee Print

18 x 12 in

other sizes


"Doctor and the Doll" Saturday Evening Post Cover, March 9,1929

Norman Rockwell

Giclee Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


A Clinical Lesson with Doctor Charcot at the Salpetriere, 1887

Pierre Andre Brouillet

Giclee Print

18 x 12 in

other sizes


Plague Doctor, 17th Century Artwork

Science Photo Library

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Human Red Blood Cells

Micro Discovery

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Army Nurses Lighting Up their Cigarettes in 1947


16 x 12 in

other sizes


See-Non-Ty-A, an Iowa Medicine Man, 1844-45

George Catlin

Giclee Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Doctors Office

Lee Dubin

Giclee Print

16 x 12 in

other sizes


Different flasks with fluids

Paul Steeger

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Portrait of a Nurse from the Red Cross

Gabriel Emile Niscolet

Giclee Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


"Before the Shot" or "At the Doctor's", March 15,1958

Norman Rockwell

Giclee Print

16 x 16 in

other sizes


The March of Intellect, (1828)

Robert Seymour

Giclee Print

18 x 12 in

other sizes


The Brain, from 'Traite D'Anatomie De Cerveau' by Felix Vicq D'Azyr (1748-94) 1786


Giclee Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Blood Vessel Cast from Rat Pancreas

Micro Discovery

Photographic Print

12 x 9 in

other sizes


Giclee Print

16 x 12 in

other sizes


Underground Surgery Room


16 x 12 in

other sizes


Mayo Clinic, 1913

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Special Nursery Nurses Wearing Masks as They Bottle-Feed Fully Developed Premature Babies

Hansel Mieth

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


"Before the Shot" or "At the Doctor's" Saturday Evening Post Cover, March 15,1958

Norman Rockwell

Giclee Print

16 x 16 in

other sizes


Knee X-ray

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


X-Ray of a Knee

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Dr. Ernest Ceriani in a State of Exhaustion, Having a Cup of Coffee in the Hospital Kitchen at 2 AM

W^ Eugene Smith

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Nurse with Syringe

Kevin Curtis

Premium Photographic Print

16 x 16 in

other sizes


X-Ray of Hand Doing Peace Sign

Photographic Print

16 x 16 in

other sizes


"At the Optometrist" or "Eye Doctor" Saturday Evening Post Cover, May 19,1956

Norman Rockwell

Giclee Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Country Doctor Ernest Ceriani Making House Call on Foot in Small Town

W^ Eugene Smith

Photographic Print

16 x 12 in

other sizes


Five Thousand Nurses by June - Graduate Nurses Your Country Needs You Poster

Carl Rakeman

Giclee Print

12 x 18 in

other sizes


Wigram Ward of King's College Hospital, Denmark Hill, S.E. London

Photographic Print

16 x 12 in

other sizes


Little Boy with a Toy Dentist Set

Walter Sanders

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Wanted: 50,000 Nurses, Alberta Rose Krajce, Brooklyn Naval Hospital Nurse Shortage, January 5, 1942

Eliot Elisofon

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Florence Nightingale. The Lady with the Lamp, Visiting the Sick Soldiers in Hospital

Peter Jackson

Giclee Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Sigmund Freud (1856-193), Austrian Neurologist

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Camels, Cigarettes Smoking Medical, USA, 1946

Giclee Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


World War II Poster of a Smiling Female Officer of the U.S. Army Medical Corps

Stocktrek Images

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Camels, Cigarettes Smoking Medical, USA, 1946

Giclee Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Laser Dyes in Flasks

Charles O'Rear

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Dentists Lavoris Do As Your Dentist Tells You, USA, 1920

Giclee Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes



Tony McConnell

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


When the Doctor Treats Your Child (or Doctor Checking up Children)

Norman Rockwell

Giclee Print

18 x 12 in

other sizes


Coagulated Red Blood Cells

Micro Discovery

Photographic Print

12 x 9 in

other sizes


The Spirit of America Recruitment Poster

Howard Chandler Christy

Giclee Print

12 x 18 in

other sizes


Sigmund Freud Holding a Cigar

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


A Red Cross Hospital nurse Pouring Medicine, Late 1800s

Giclee Print

12 x 18 in

other sizes


A Dentist Examining a Young Girl's Teeth in 1942


16 x 12 in

other sizes


Extract of the Hippocratic Oath in Latin and Greek, 1588 (Vellum)


Giclee Print

12 x 18 in

other sizes


The Death Of Marat

Jacques-Louis David

Giclee Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Dr. Reinan Deilvers Lecture to Medical Students in Amphitheatre

Lisa Larsen

Photographic Print

16 x 12 in

other sizes


Student Nurses Lining the Railings of Stairwell at Roosevelt Hospital

Alfred Eisenstaedt

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Veterinary Care - German Shorthaired Pointer Dressed as a Veterinarian Looking after Sick Puppy

Willee Cole

Photographic Print

16 x 16 in

other sizes


Boathouses at the Boca Raton Cabana Club

Photographic Print

12 x 9 in

other sizes


Student Nurses at Roosevelt Hospital

Alfred Eisenstaedt

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


My Elephant Friend

Nancy Tillman

Photographic Print

16 x 16 in

other sizes


1910s USA The Red Cross Poster

Giclee Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


X-Ray of Human Skull

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


"At the Optometrist" or "Eye Doctor", May 19,1956

Norman Rockwell

Giclee Print

16 x 16 in

other sizes


Dog Sleeping In Her Notebook After Studying


Photographic Print

12 x 8 in

other sizes


Physician Mary Edwards Walker

Mathew Brady

Photographic Print

8 x 12 in

other sizes


Children Inoculated Against Diphtheria


16 x 12 in

other sizes


Human Hair and Skin

Micro Discovery

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes
