1,284 Items
1,284 Items
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Audrey Hepburn. "Sabrina Fair" 1954, "Sabrina" Directed by Billy Wilder
Photographic Print
12 x 16 in
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Roman Holiday, Eddie Albert, Gregory Peck, Audrey Hepburn, 1953
Art Print
12 x 18 in
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Audrey Hepburn. "Sabrina Fair" 1954, "Sabrina" Directed by Billy Wilder. Diseñador: Givenchy
Photographic Print
16 x 12 in
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Vacances Romaines Roman Holiday De William Wyler Avec Gregory Peck Et Audrey Hepburn 1953
16 x 12 in
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Audrey Hepburn. "Sabrina Fair" 1954, "Sabrina" Directed by Billy Wilder. Custome by Edith Head
Photographic Print
12 x 16 in
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Audrey Hepburn. "Breakfast At Tiffany's" 1961, Directed by Blake Edwards
Photographic Print
12 x 16 in
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Audrey Hepburn. "Funny Face" 1957, Directed by Stanley Donen
Photographic Print
8 x 12 in
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La Lecon De Piano the Piano De Jane Campion Avec Holly Hunter, Anna Paquin, 1993 (Palmed'Or1993)
12 x 16 in
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Guess Who's Coming To Dinner, Sidney Poitier, Katharine Houghton, Spencer Tracy, 1967
16 x 12 in
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Breakfast at Tiffany's, Audrey Hepburn Eating Between Scenes on Set, 1961
12 x 16 in
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Married Actors Orson Welles and Rita Hayworth Pretending to Bullfight at Home
Peter Stackpole
Premium Photographic Print
18 x 24 in
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Audrey Hepburn. "Breakfast At Tiffany's" 1961, Directed by Blake Edwards
Photographic Print
12 x 16 in
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The Wizard of Oz, Bert Lahr, Jack Haley, Ray Bolger, Judy Garland, Margaret Hamilton, 1939
16 x 12 in
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Audrey Hepburn. "Together In Paris" 1964, "Paris-when It Sizzles" Directed by Richard Quine
Photographic Print
16 x 12 in
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Charade, Audrey Hepburn, Directed by Stanley Donen, 1963
Photographic Print
16 x 12 in
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