Apache Culture

30 Items

Apache Culture

30 Items

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Geronimo (1829-1909)

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Geronimo (1829-1909)

Adolph F^ Muhr

Photographic Print

16 x 16 in

other sizes


Before the Storm, Apache

Edward S Curtis


16 x 12 in

other sizes


Geronimo and Natchez on Horseback during the Apache Wars, c.1886

Giclee Print

18 x 12 in

other sizes


General George Crook on a Mule, with Two Apache in Arizona, 1882

American Photographer

Giclee Print

18 x 12 in

other sizes


Geronimo (1829-1909)

Aaron Canady

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Geronimo (1829-1909)

William Herman Rau

Photographic Print

16 x 16 in

other sizes


Apache Tepees, C1909

Photographic Print

12 x 9 in

other sizes


The Scout, Apache

Edward S Curtis

Giclee Print

16 x 12 in

other sizes


Geronimo (1829-1909)

C^d^ Arnold

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Geronimo and Three of His Apache Warriors, 1886

Photographic Print

16 x 12 in

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Geronimo (1829-1909)

Warren Mack Oliver

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Apache Woman, C1902

Carl Werntz

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Apache Indian Baby in Papoose

Lantern Press

Art Print

12 x 18 in

other sizes


Apache Girl, C1903

Edward S^ Curtis

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Smithsonian Libraries: The Apache

Art Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Apache Indians Dance the Devil Dance

Lantern Press

Art Print

18 x 12 in

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Apache Indians, Roosevelt, Arizona

Art Print

18 x 12 in

other sizes


Apache Indians in Front of Wickiup

Giclee Print

18 x 12 in

other sizes


Apache Woman, C1908

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Geronimo (1829-1909)

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Apache Leader, 1885

George Benjamin Wittick

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

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Arizona - Apache Man Drinking at Navajo Rio

Lantern Press

Art Print

18 x 12 in

other sizes


The Making of America: Apache Country!


Giclee Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


U.S. Cavalry Soldier Shooting Apache Sheep-Herders in a Canyon

Giclee Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Apache Warrior Ambushing a Covered Wagon in the Southwest, c.1800

Giclee Print

18 x 12 in

other sizes


Apache Devil Dancers

Art Print

18 x 12 in

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Apache Family on San Carlos Reservation

Art Print

18 x 12 in

other sizes


Ute Indians, Chief Sevara and Family

Art Print

18 x 12 in

other sizes


White Mountain Apache Government Scout

Art Print

12 x 18 in

other sizes
