Activists by Name
545 Items
Activists by Name
545 Items
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You Have to Keep Moving Forward -Martin Luther King Jr.
Veruca Salt
Art Print
18 x 25 in
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Cuban Rebel Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Left Arm in a Sling, Talking with Unseen Person
Joe Scherschel
Premier Image Canvas
12 x 16 in
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Mother Teresa of Calcutta Prays During a Religious Service
Photographic Print
16 x 16 in
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Cuban Rebel Ernesto "Che" Guevara with His Left Arm in a Sling
Joe Scherschel
Photographic Print
8 x 12 in
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Angela Davis (B1944) American Black Activist, Here in 1972 During Her Trial
12 x 16 in
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Cuban Rebel Ernesto "Che" Guevara with Lit Cigar Clenched Between Teeth and Left Arm in a Sling
Joe Scherschel
Premier Image Canvas
12 x 16 in
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Cuban Rebel Ernesto "Che" Guevara with His Left Arm in a Sling
Joe Scherschel
Premium Photographic Print
18 x 24 in
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Geronimo and Natchez on Horseback during the Apache Wars, c.1886
Giclee Print
18 x 12 in
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Rev. Martin Luther King, at Atlanta University for SCLC Sponsored Student Conf
Howard Sochurek
Premium Photographic Print
18 x 24 in
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United Farm Workers Leader Cesar Chavez with VP Dolores Heurta During Grape Pickers' Strike
Arthur Schatz
Premier Image Canvas
12 x 16 in
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Writer Gloria Steinem Sitting on Floor with Sign "We Shall Overcome" Regarding Pop Culture
Yale Joel
Premium Photographic Print
18 x 24 in
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Indian Leader Mohandas Gandhi Reading as He Sits Cross Legged on Floor
Margaret Bourke-White
Premier Image Canvas
16 x 12 in
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Cabin In The Sky, Lena Horne, Eddie 'Rochester' Anderson, Ethel Waters, 1943
Art Print
12 x 18 in
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One Vision, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.
Bernard Stanley Hoyes
Art Print
18 x 24 in
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