Dmitri Kessel

288 Items

Dmitri Kessel

288 Items

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The New Pope, Vatican Interior, July 5, 1963

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Snowfall in Paris: Passerelle Debilly and Eiffel Tower

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Avenue of Cypress in Central Park

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

16 x 12 in

other sizes


Hummingbird on a Branch in Amazonia

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Sky Shot of the Un Headquaters and the Empire State Building

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

16 x 16 in

other sizes


An Iranian Performace of a Man Wrestling a Bear in Public

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Heavy Snow Blankets the Ground Near the Eiffel Tower

Dmitri Kessel

Giant Art Print

48 x 72


The Idlewild Airport

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

16 x 12 in

other sizes


Rows of Finished Jeeps Churned Out in Mass Production for War Effort as WWII Allies

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

16 x 12 in

other sizes


Little "Ape" Delivery Scooter Making Light Delivery

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Edinburgh Castle Seen Through a Veil of Tree Branches

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

16 x 12 in

other sizes


Overall View of the Plaza Hotel

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Worker Cutting the Gun Casting in the Bethlehem Steel Factory

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

16 x 12 in

other sizes


American Flag, July 6, 1942

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Sculptures in Front of Oscar Niemeyer Designed Building Lit Up at Night

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

16 x 12 in

other sizes


Old Man Holding His Hands around a Dog's Throat

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Pan American Air Lines Terminal at NY International Airport

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

16 x 12 in

other sizes


Gypsy Dancer Performing

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

16 x 12 in

other sizes


Flight by Alexander Calder in International Arrivals Terminal at New York International Airport

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Boy Scout Troop Sitting in a Tree

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


View of New York City Behind the Bridges That are Hovering over the East River

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

16 x 12 in

other sizes


The Yangtze River Passing Through the Wushan, or "Magic Mountain", Gorge in Szechwan Province

Dmitri Kessel

Giant Art Print

72 x 48


Parking Lot for Vespa Scotters

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Actor Keir Dullea Wearing Space Suit in Scene from Motion Picture "2001: A Space Odyssey"

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

8 x 12 in

other sizes


Colorado River

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

16 x 16 in

other sizes


Venice, Italy

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 8 in

other sizes


Photographic Print

16 x 16 in

other sizes


Ancient Ruins

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

8 x 12 in

other sizes


Life Goes Skiing

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

16 x 16 in

other sizes


Colorado River

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 8 in

other sizes


Colorado River

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 8 in

other sizes


Beach Fashions

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

8 x 12 in

other sizes



Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 8 in

other sizes


1957: Copacabana Beach, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 8 in

other sizes


1957: Copacabana Beach, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 8 in

other sizes


Helicopter View of the Brooklyn Bridge, New York City

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Construction in NYC: Land Being Cleared For 20 Story Building in East 60s

Dmitri Kessel

Giant Art Print

72 x 48


The M.E. Lombardi Docked Next to Esso Oil Tanker Little Rock at Shipyards

Dmitri Kessel

Premium Photographic Print

24 x 18 in

other sizes


A View Showing Navy Dive Bomber Squadrons at Lake Charles Airport

Dmitri Kessel

Premium Photographic Print

24 x 18 in

other sizes


Front View of Pratt and Whitney 'Wasp' Airplane Engine at Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Parts Factory

Dmitri Kessel

Premium Photographic Print

18 x 24 in

other sizes


Assembling at Factory, Showing Two Halves of Fuselage Being Fitted Together, Curtiss-Wright Plant

Dmitri Kessel

Premium Photographic Print

24 x 18 in

other sizes


Swiss Psychiatrist Dr. Carl Jung Standing in Garden Outside His Home

Dmitri Kessel

Premium Photographic Print

24 x 24 in

other sizes


Artist Henri Matisse in Chapel He Created. the Tiles on Wall Depict Stations of the Cross

Dmitri Kessel

Premium Photographic Print

18 x 24 in

other sizes


Prime Minister of Iran Amir Abbas Hoveida

Dmitri Kessel

Premium Photographic Print

18 x 24 in

other sizes


Artist Bernard Buffet Standing Next to a Self Portrait of Himself

Dmitri Kessel

Premium Photographic Print

18 x 24 in

other sizes


Family Portrait of the Aga Khan Household

Dmitri Kessel

Premium Photographic Print

24 x 18 in

other sizes


Pope John XXIII Arriving Just before the Papal Election

Dmitri Kessel

Premium Photographic Print

18 x 24 in

other sizes


Pope John XXIII Arriving Just before the Papal Election

Dmitri Kessel

Premium Photographic Print

18 x 24 in

other sizes


Cardinal Frederico Tedeschini Celebrating Mass at the Eucharistic Congress with Francisco Franco

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

16 x 12 in

other sizes


Men Shutting Off Output Valves

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

16 x 16 in

other sizes


Group of Iranians Protesting Against the Oil Rights in Iran

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

16 x 16 in

other sizes


Worker Using a Jack Hammer to Help Build the Dam for the Eca-Sponsored Hydro-Electric Projects

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Airplanes on Display at 18th Paris International Aviation Salon Exhibition

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Small Girl Enjoying a Stein of Weak Beer

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


Man Sewing Strips of Fur Together

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


An Aerial View of the City Houston

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

16 x 12 in

other sizes


Aerial View of Forbidden City

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

16 x 16 in

other sizes


An Indian Army Guard Patroling the Kirkuk Oil Field

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

12 x 16 in

other sizes


General View Showing the Abadan Oil Refinery

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

16 x 16 in

other sizes


Trees and Scrub Lining the River Jordan, Mountains in the Background

Dmitri Kessel

Photographic Print

16 x 16 in

other sizes
