Mormons on the trek from Illinois to Utah The Mormon Church Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints was founded by Joseph Smith in Smith was murdered by a mob in Illinois in after which Brigham Young led the Mormons on an mile journey to Utah Here they are shown on the gruelling winter trek across the great plains between the Missouri and the Rockies to found Salt Lake City Utah From Illustration Paris
Animal Art
Keep your furry and feathery friends close, whether they are a galloping stallion or a dog taking a selfie. Our gallery is here to turn empty walls into a cute and quirky display of animal art.
Psst! Did you know chimpanzees, elephants, and dolphins are some of the most intelligent mammals out there?
Transportation Art
Partake in a sailing regatta or feel the wind in your hair cruising in a ‘Vette. Go places without leaving home. Give wings to self-expression with our transportation art collection.
Pick the perfect ride for your walls from mega jets, cool kayaks to vintage race cars. Get them wall-ready and fabulous in our handcrafted frames, starting at $59. Famous works of art from this collection include Monet’s Sailboat, Sleep Balloon by Nancy Tillman. Vapor Helicopter by Banksy.
Seasonal Art
Would you rather see fall colors all year long or spring landscapes? No matter what season you prefer, make it everlasting with our seasons’ art collection. Explore from winter scenery to summery fruits and so much more! This collection will make you and your loved ones smile!
Make your favorite season art more vivid with our professionally hand-stretched canvas! Hyunah Kim, Vincent Van Gogh, Duy Hunh, Agnes Cecile have created some of our best-selling seasons art.
Figurative Art
Think reality delights? You bet your walls do too. So, why not introduce them to our collection of figurative art. Make acquaintance with inspiring muses of famous masters or get a glimpse of pop culture icons caught on camera. Any masterpieces you choose will give your space a unique story to share in our handcrafted frames.
This genre of art involves a realistic depiction of living as well as inanimate objects. Artists like Jean Michel Basquiat, Norman Rockwell, and Banksy are renowned for giving a platform to cultural commentary and human experiences through their art.